2012년 7월 8일 일요일

[2005/Sep.~ ] Start of my VTC life.

Arbil people, my driving students, did not speak English.  They only speak Kurdish.

Initial communication method was...
Me -> Korean interpreter -> Iraqi interpreter -> Students.

I used to use some English words during communication but realized that I had to study hard to get closer to my students...

And After 3 days

Me(using English to converse) -> Iraqi interpreter -> Students.

As for the driving practice course, because of our usage of different languages, we underwent many dangerous situations that occurred due to misinterpretation.

So, I decided to learn Kurdish. BUT the Iraqi interpreter refused to teach me Kurdish.

But then, I realized that he was worried about losing his job, if he would be in no longer of use for translation.

Anyways, I started to study Kurdish by reading English-Kurdish Newspapers.


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